Operation Christmas Child
How can you help?
Donated items we really need
These may be lying around at home. Partial or opened packages are fine. Items are used for crafting items for shoe boxes. We especially need those in red.
Crystal Light containers
Baby food containers with lids (or small plastic containers of similar size)
Scrapbook paper
Construction or card stock paper
Notebook paper, including spiral notebooks (Partially used ones are fine.)
Coloring books (Partially used ones are fine; we tear out the pages.)
Plain paper or paper with company letterhead on it
Sewing items (pins, needles, thread, ribbon, lace, elastic, buttons, safety pins)
Fishing supplies (fishing line, bobbers, sinkers, hooks)
Paper clips
Rubber bands
Ziplock bags (sandwich size)
Foam sheets/stickers
Lids from 2 L pop bottles
Greeting cards (we only need the front)
Old towels (It is fine if it has small holes or is frayed on edges; we cut around them.)
Old CDs
These may be found at garage sales. Suggested maximum price for item included for some.
Sewing items (pins, needles, thread, ribbon, lace, elastic, buttons, safety pins)
Towels – $1.00
Small stuffed animals (Ty babies are not necessary, but that size works great.) – $0.50
Pillowcases – $1.00
Sheets, flat or fitted – $1.00
Jeans – $1.oo
Clean Barbies (Make sure you watch for mangled feet and hands.) We can fix wild hair. Does not need to be clothed.